Leading AV Innovation
for 75 Years

Turning a Garage Full of Dreams Into a
Worldwide Leader of Audio Visual Solutions
75 years ago, the Truman Doctrine went into effect, the transistor was created, Jackie Robinson played his first game and Thomas G. Berry launched a distributed-background music company from his family's home garage on May 30, 1947 turning the Verrex volume on and starting a company that has transcended and evolved over seven decades.
Over the years, Verrex has led the way for companies and organizations to succeed by expertly creating, designing, integrating, supporting, managing, and deploying audiovisual and unified communication systems and services that allow organizations to succeed within evolving workforces, environments, and work styles. Verrex’s audiovisual and unified communications systems can be found in companies and organizations globally across all industries including telecommunications, pharmaceutical, financial, travel service and performing arts.
Creating Better Ways of Communication
75 years ago, the Truman Doctrine went into effect, the transistor was created, Jackie Robinson played his first game and Thomas G. Berry launched a distributed-background music company from his family's home garage on May 30, 1947 turning the Verrex volume on and starting a company that has transcended and evolved over seven decades.
A Global Reach With a Family Feel and
Employees Who Are Simply the Best
Family will always be at the heart of Verrex no matter how expansive the company’s reach. As a family-owned business with multi-generational leadershp, Verrex prides itself on caring for its clients and employees like they are family providing them with personalized services, extra care and concern. Verrex owes it success to the dedicated, passionate, innovative, kind, and caring group of employees who work hard every day to provide clients and partners with the best solutions and services possible.
Caring for the Community
Giving back to the community is part of the Verrex heritage. By applying our knowledge of the digital world to the communities we live and work within, we can create, grow and sustain more opportunities for people to thrive.
